Update re my Phal with terminal spike
I have been reading lots of the posts on here in The Phal abuse ends here sticky, in order to learn & I noticed a few posts from beginners who it turned out their 'store bought' phal had a tight ball of moss or soil in some cases underneath the crown so if left would have contributed to crown rot. I just felt I had to check mine and although I didn't particularly want to disturb my plant, I felt I just had to know. Well guess what - I found what resembled a plug of soil often used for seedlings of other plants, which looked like it had been the original medium. This was covered in a layer of bark chippings. I gently teased it all out & found two rotten roots. The rest of the roots are plentiful & healthy thankfully so I re - potted in bark & now am just hoping for the best. Not my best purchase decision but maybe I caught it in time. Another positive result from your forum.