Originally Posted by Orchid Whisperer
Thanks for putting the edema pdf link. I couldn't find anything here in search using 'water warts'.
I had to learn about this the hard way living in the rainy and gray PNW! I think this pdf should be front and center in any sticky care tips for beginners (if it's not already somewhere on here!).
I had queried my local orchid society with photos of bumps on some Phals and no one responded. Won't be joining them! It took quite a bit of searching photos online until I discovered what was going on.
'Water warts' are a very real thing and I want to find an exact scientific explanation of how orchids 'work' besides 'the roots absorb more water than the leaves can transpire'. Maybe someone here has to the full rundown on how Phal's (or all orchids) systems work?
Today is my normal watering day, but since it snowed this morning and has now turned to gray rainy skies = no watering will be done today. I've learned to wait - days if needed - until blue skies and sun come out and THEN take everyone to their bath tub soak, in the mornings only, noon the latest. Any orchid lover living in the rainy PNW needs this info, it will save them a lot of worry.