Repotting a catasetum-type?
I have a Monnierara Millennium Magic 'Witchcraft' that I've left completely dry since the leaves fell off around October. It has a new shoot which I just measured to be 3", so I know it's time to resume watering. What I'm wondering is if I should repot since there is new growth right now, and if so, (1) what should the media be, and (2) what size pot? This is my first catasetum-type orchid in general and I bought it in late summer.
From photos I've seen googling this orchid type, it looks like two fully grown pbulbs can fit in the size pot I have now, so it seems possible to simply leave it alone. I've also read that it doesn't like its roots disturbed. From what I can tell it's currently potted in primarily sphagnum moss. It seems very happy: this shoot grew rapidly, I had no problem with it going into dormancy and it barely shriveled in the months I haven't watered it.
In terms of my growing conditions: east-facing bay window with lots of sunlight if it's sunny, hot in the summer (75-110F), cold in the winter (57-68F), RH around 50-70% with my humidifier going. I might hang this one outside this summer.
Anybody have experience with repotting this orchid or catasetums? Anything I should know?