I think your Phal is just a bit shocked by the change of environment from wherever it was raised to now being in your home. Keep it warm, give it lots of bright indirect light, and mist mist MIST! Just think like a Phal to keep it happy, just like this:
"I am a Phalaenopsis and I love my warm, sticky tropical forest. The damp air circulating around my leaves feels so good! My favorite part of the day is early morning when I can get some dappled sunshine through the canopy above my home... I love growing on the side of this tree!"
Hehe, something like that! (You'll soon learn that we're all a bit crazy around here!!!) The bud turning pink is called bud blast, and it only happens when the plant is exposed to temperature change, different lighting, or certain gasses produced by decaying organic matter. Don't worry too much about it, the plant will be fine and probably flower normally next winter. It is a lovely bloom on your plant... I have one similar but with more bold reddish-purple spots. Hope the advice helps!