So I became a little spontaneous this weekend and decided to go over to Fort Lauderdale Saturday and checkout their orchid society show/sale.
I didn't leave empty handed either! I walked out with these three beauties!
The first plant I picked up is a nice little Triasphyllum Emily Clarkson! It's my first Trias and has one bloom and another bud waiting to open up! The flower is beautiful, I can't wait to see what joy this plant brings me in the years to come

The next plant I got is a Bulbophyllum Barigerum from a grower from Taiwan. This plant is awesome and is found in the wild in south and central Africa! I love orchids that are from all over the world so this one drew my attention! I also found out that this plant is nicknamed the Beared Bulbo... How fun!
Last but not least is a Bulbophyllum Phalaenopsis! I've always wanted one of these guys but could never force my self to spend the money on one, everywhere I looked they were $50+. I ended up getting this guy because the seller was very talkative ( like myself) and ended up liking me and giving me a sweet discount on the orchid! Can't wait to see how dig this sucker gets! Also she picked me out a good one that has two new growths starting to shoot up!

If anyone has any culture advice or tips please let me know, I'm all ears!
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