Winter rest and watering
Hello everyone,
Recently I purchased some orchids and I was wondering were to get the right information from internet about how to tread and care for them.
Sometimes I read contradictory things about giving them a winter rest of not, and also what exactly is a winter rest? Is that the same for every plant who needs it or not?
I checked wich says;
Ceratocentron fesselii - keep moist all the time
Dendrobium bellatulum - fully dry out between watering and needs a drier winter rest.
Dendrobium jenkinsii - dry winter rest
Mediocalcar decoratum - no winter rest
So i was wondering if this info is correct and what is the difference between a dry and a drier winter rest?
What will happen if I make a mistake and I water/fertilize them to often during winter?
Maybe there is some way to find the season and weather conditions for every location? And ofcourse a way to find wich orchid grows on what location.
Thanks in advance everyone!