Sofija - There are basically two kinds of beginning orchid growers:
Type 1. Benign neglect type. They enjoy the flowers, water when they think of it, but maybe miss a time or two, and the orchid gets a little dry occasionally, but not too bad. Fertilize plants rarely. Notice when a leaf yellows and falls, only because the leaf is something to clean up. Prognosis: This type of grower often ends up learning to care for orchids properly, and growing orchids just fine for as long as they care to.
Type 2. "Freaking out" type. This type of grower sees every speck or spot on an orchid leaf, every fading flower, every yellowing leaf, as a potential personal failure (when these things are just "nature happening", and happen with every orchid). No consolation is possible from friends assuring the grower that everything is OK. Reaction to the specks, spots, fading and yellowing may include overly-frequent re-potting, buying and using five different kinds of fertilizer, dousing the plant with disinfectants, cinnamon, peroxide, etc. Prognosis: The "freaking out" grower begins to associate orchids with an uneasy sense of dread. The worry, dread and chemicals end up killing the orchid. The freak out grower loses so much sleep that they eventually give up growing orchids, turning instead to frequenting conspiracy theory websites.
Sofija: R E L A X. Your plant really does seem to be OK. Be a Type 1 grower.
Last edited by Orchid Whisperer; 01-04-2017 at 12:12 PM..