I bought someone an orchid "New Orleans" for Christmas; it is now coming to the end of its flowering period and I have been asked by the recipient what to do with it. I can't answer as I don't know much about orchids, but, more importantly, I don't know what sort "New Orleans" is. Does nyone know? Thanks.
There are two possibilities for that grex name. One is a Cymbidium which is a tall grassy looking plant. The other option is a Phalaeonopsis which is a short plant with broad stiff leaves.
Many thanks, Quiltergal. I think it must be the Phalaenopsis as its leaves are large, glossy and green. Now I know where to look for further instructions.
Glad you have joined us at the OB
You be changing your name to 'Can Do' because once you get the info .. you'll be able to do plenty
Here is OB's care sheet for Phalaenopsis .. http://www.orchidboard.com/Phalaenop...ure-Care-Sheet
Here is more basic info on indoor orchid growing - http://www.orchidboard.com/node/113
If it's not a Phal - let us know and we will guide you in the right direction
Now repeat after me .. I can do it .. I can do it ..