Dendrobium Berry Oda - drooping canes and leaf drop
I am new to the forum though I've been reading as a guest for some time.
I have been trying my hand with orchids for a few years now, with some sucesses and some failures! My phalenopsis orchids seem to be fine now I've got some expreience with them. However, I bought a reduced Berry Oda from a garden centre around a year ago to try something different. It was just finishing flowering at this point. It's been fine really until I moved house a couple of months ago. The leaves started turning brown and dropping off, leaving brown droopy canes.
I've been trawling the internet for information to try and save it but there doesn't seem to be a lot about the Berry Oda. I am very careful not to overwater as this is usually where I go wrong (in my opinion).
There seems to be some consensus not to remove brown canes, but I'm not sure how they'd be helping the plant. Can anyone help?
I've tried to attach a picture of it for reference!