At what point do you toss?
I know this is a very subjective question--which is fine because I'm looking for subjective answers!
I have three orchids right now (a NOID phal, a NOID Onc., and an Onc Twinkle) that have various things going on that are making me concerned. At one point I would have been all about doing anything and everything to save them. But, I just started my Ph.D. program and time is....well, a valuable commodity. I unfortunately don't have time to baby them like I used to.
The phal up and dropped four leaves out of nowhere, and when I unpotted it today, it only had one viable root. So it's down to two tiny leaves and one root. I didn't see any signs of disease, so I think it's either related to my recent move, or I somehow overwatered it.
The two Oncs. I think have some kind of fungus, but I haven't been able to figure out what exactly. I'm getting yellowing leaves and black streaking on others. I've soaked them both in a physon solution, but I don't have any other fungicides at hand.
So, I guess what I'm asking is, in your experience, at what point is it not worth the effort? I love my plants, but I also value my sanity.