Vanda Golden Doubloon is a primary hybrid of V. denisoniana x V. tessellata. Both plants are relatively small or mid size at 12 to 24 inches for tessellate and 12 inches for denisoniana. Both are fragrant so the hybrid could be fragrant. This info is per Orchid Wiz.
V. denisoniana x V. bensonii is a primary hybrid named V. Srisuk. It was registered in 2005 by S. Srisuk of Thailand. The blooms of V. bensonii are also fragrant. Plant is described as moderately large at 12 inches whereas the others at similar sizes were called small or medium! There is no character descriptions in Orchid Wiz for the hybrid, only the parents. You should be able to Google these species and find some more info on them also. Good luck.