I ordered Cattleya Moon Bells seedlings several months ago and put them in 100 % sphagnum and a heated mini greenhouse. I live in Marseilles and the summer is dry and hot. I watered and then let the sphagnum almost dry and watered again. However, I realized that some of the roots were rotting.
So I decided to buy other seedlings (see pictures) and put them into 100 % orchiata (smallest size available and advised for seedlings) in the same heated small green house but with the lid half open this time. They look very wet in the photos because I have just watered them but I read that orchiata is good for Cattleyas because it dries faster.
The seller sent me one seedling in Pine rind fine about 75% Perlit about 5%
Charcoal 15% Cork 10% (see picture). He fertilizes with ca 400-600 micosiemens but I don't know what this corresponds to and how often do you have to fertilize? He told me that in his medium (pine rind etc.) now in summer, he waters every day.
My question is: How often should I water in orchiata?
My second question concerns Orchiata’s pH.
I didn't read the instructions first and I soaked the medium briefly. I read that you could have problems with the pH.
Do you have to adjust the pH of the water when you water?
Some people add dolomite lime but I don't know what this is or where to buy it?
My third question is:
do you fertilize? How much and how often?
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