I've had my first orchid, a phalaenopsis for about two months now. It came in bloom with two flower spikes and gorgeous blue blooms! I didn't know anything about orchids. My husband bought it for me and since I've fallen in love with them! Anyway, the flowers started to wilt soon after he brought it home. Also, I had used miracle grow orchid spikes on it, having them in the pot at half strength recommended for about two weeks. Since then, I have tried to educate myself as best as possible on Phalaenopsis and orchids in general. I stopped using the miracle grow spikes because I am worried it caused bud blast. I ordered a urea free orchid food but it has yet to get here. It came potted in bark. My humidity here has been around 30% give or take it is summer right now heading towards fall. I put a humidifier next to my orchid as soon as I noticed it declining. About a month after having it I checked its roots and many were brown, mushy and rotten. That is when I really started to worry and repotted the poor guy into another bark only mixture also cutting away the dead roots. I didn't care if the blooms died as long as the plant survived. Also I have kept it in super low light until this last week keeping it about 1 foot away from the window to let it have more indirect sunlight. I will attach two photos taken today of the plant. one is of a root that looks like it is starting to rot again after repotting, and another of the top or an aerial root that is looking shriveled. I have been
misting the aerial roots for 3 days now seeing as they have been pretty dry and are the healthiest roots my poor phal has. The crazy thing is that it seems like the aerial root started shriveling in the last day and today after I've started
misting the top of the roots and the top of the media. Since it is potted in bark it dries out quickly. I usually have watered as soon as the pot is fairly dry about every 5 to 7 days. I also recently put holes in the plastic pot to try and help with aeration since the roots seemed to be rotting. I have also kept it out of its decorative pot to try and help keep it drier as well. I am at a total loss here and I really don't want to lose my orchid! Any help is very very much appreciated!!! I am a total newbie and desperately need help :'(

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