So...yesterday I went to Kawamoto Orchids to try to find a larger basket to put my little Dyakia's teeny basket pot into so that I can hang it without it blowing away. (For the record, I actually succeeded at that, though I don't know what it will think of the setup.) ^^;
While I was there, though, I gave in to my desire to try a mounted orchid, and bought an Oncidium "gold dust" and a lovely blooming Dendrochilum filiforme (wonderful citrusy smell!), both mounted on what I think is tree fern. I'm thinking of eventually attaching them to palm trees in my back yard, but they're living inside for now because we're under a tropical storm warning. I'm wondering how to tell if they have enough water? So far I've soaked them for 15 minutes floating in a bowl once a day.
I really like how much more natural mounted orchids look, so I am hoping not to kill these. ^^;
(They also let us go down and walk around the greenhouses...literally
acres of orchids, with every kind of species and just insane quantities of gorgeous plants! I'm sure my husband was alarmed at the "I want one of everything" look in my eyes.)