New babies from H & R!
I went to H&R Nurseries in Waimanalo (Oahu, HI) for the first time today and brought back five new little orchid plants! I am really looking forward to watching them grow up and hopefully bloom someday. They're all potted in what I think is bark, in little round slotted pots inside outer square plastic ones.
In the picture, from left to right: Dyakia hendersoniana, Cattleya porphyroglossa, Cattleya leopoldii, LC. Irene Finney x Slc. Sierra Doll 'GC', Den. Samarai (antennatum x stratiotes).
These are my first young plants, so I'm wondering what they might want done differently. Watering more often, I would guess?
I'm especially anxious about the Dyakia, which is totally adorable and looks easy to kill. Would it maybe like to live in a small basket with maybe a little moss and be watered daily and/or misted? Right now the humidity in my living room is 89%.
(H&R was great - so many orchids, with everything beautifully labeled with descriptions! And with the small sizes available for reasonable prices, I could rationalize choosing a selection of plants....) :-P
[Edited because my picture didn't show up for some reason]
Last edited by Lady Oscar; 07-14-2016 at 10:56 PM..