Hi guys! A quick question: is this considered a crown rot? I think so but I'm not sure how to treat it. I read hydrogen peroxide isn't the best but a lot of people use it. What would be the best steps to end this rot or, is game over for this Phal?
Also, I'm trying to recover others Phals that were neglected. I'm following all the instructions given by the most experienced guys on this board, especially estación seca that was so kind explaining the process to recovery on my last post.
After I repot them from sphagnum moss to bark mix, some of the roots start to dry up or start to rot. They didn't come with a great root system to begin with and I'm worried that those roots will deteriorate one by one, even though I'm following the protocol about watering, using skewers to check dryness, using a humidity monitor, keeping them with air circulation, paying attention on light, etc.
I know orchids grown slowly... But usually, how long takes to see any kind of improvement ( growing roots especially) after them being repot? I understand that many factors can affect that answer but, at the same time, I don't wanna keep losing roots until pass the point of recovery.
I honestly wouldn't expect losing more roots if I'm following the right steps. That's why I keep doubting myself. I'm thinking to use the bare roots method at least I can see how the roots are doing. Is it recommended?! Should I place them in a enclosed clear container with some water (without touching anything) to rise humidity even though they have some roots?! I feel I'm losing the battle again.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. And if you need any more specific info, please let me know and I will answer you. Thanks!
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