I've read about it, but dont remember all (probably because I didnt read anything important enough to remember/ from not reliable enough source).
Anyway- I've only seen it on healthy plants in my house. No bugs in here. Some phals have it on their spike, and the catasetum has it on the new bulb.
Read something about sap from happy plants. (Lol, that was what the meaning of what I read was atleast. Excess sugar/nutrition something)
And yeah- also read the thing about bugs leaving sugar on plants. But only experienced on healthy plants.
Keep an eye on the plant to be sure, but I guess its not a bad thing if you cant see anything and the plant have no signs of anything bad.
So, well, nothing new- same as Estación said
Just chiming in to say I've had it and it wasnt a problem.
(Can be a problem though. Depending on cause)
Oh god- need to go to bed, middle of the night in my country.
Or maybe I end up reading more about it, I know I read something when I found the same on my plants.
Hope its just your plant being very happy☺️
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