First post so
I have had a Mealybug outbreak. Taking advice from my local orchid grower, McBeans Orchids in Sussex, I used a foliage spray called SB Plant Invigerator. I've sprayed several times now on the two day system that they specify. This put the bugs in check. I must say that many of the plants loved the feed!
It seems to have worked on my Zygopetalum, Brassia, Paph Maudiae, Rossioglossum and Howeara, so I have moved these away from still infected plants.
The remainders are a large (6 inch pot being spit by roots & shoots with plant over 1ft across) Masde Coriacea and a large (6 inch pot a 2 2ft flower spikes) Phalaenopsis.
I really want to just kill them now rather than control them! I saw imacloporid being recomended. Does anyone know of an orchid friendly chemical containing imacloporid that is available in the U.K.?
Thanks in advance