Originally Posted by jkofferdahl
I was always of the impression that orchid enthusiasts and pet enthusiasts were simply unable to take a vacation.
Two months is a long, long time. Using a sprinkler is kind of worrisome, especially for plants such as Phals which are inclined to crown rot. Call a really good friend, tell them that you need them to care for the plants, and have them come over for basic instructions. Otherwise you are quite likely to return to a mess.
I haven't been vacation for a long time after i get into orchids because of worry they will die without my care. But i have to go this time to visit my parents so i ask my DH to set up 2 automatic sprinkler for my plants before we go. For my surprice . They are all fine without any problem.
I try to post all the pictures i took when i was back . But get this message :
" Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.
If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error"
only allow me to post one at a time.
Edit : google chrome allow me to post 1 picture as a time.
Internet Explorer allow me post up to 4 pictures as a time.