If the mix on top is the same throughout, I wouldn't re-pot. They do like to be well watered and fed in summer while growing. they are heavier feeders than some orchids. I would try and treat whatever is marking the leaves. Is it spreading from when you first saw it? If so I would isolate and treat as soon as you can. Do check for insects as they can cause this look when they secrete honey dew and it gets mouldy. It should go outside for summer so that it can get good light and change of temps at night. In order to bloom this winter(if it's a standard Cym) it will need very cool temps in the fall which you can't give it in a home usually. Mine gets some fairly strong sun but only for a few hours a day and then it is more dappled. Maybe you could create a barrier that blocks the sun or filters it. Shady and water 3 times a week, may be too much wet.