Should I repot my new Phalaenopsis?
Today I went to an orchid nursery for the first time, just to look around, and thus ended up leaving with a new Phalaenopsis with lovely patterned dark red flowers. (I posted a pic in my post in the introductions section, but it doesn't seem to want me to have a URL here to link it.)
It was the only one they had of that color, so I suspect it had been there for a bit. It has a lot of enthusiastic healthy-looking roots, but I'm worried that the leaves are a little yellow, compared to the other Phals at the nursery, and compared to mine at home.
I've read that they like to be pot-bound, but is this too much? Any other suggestions for making it happy? I currently have it in my living room, which gets light from all directions but North and has good ventilation. It's not right near a window, but will be pretty bright in the afternoons. Would it be happier in the kitchen, which gets less light? (I have another Phal on top of the microwave by the East-facing kitchen window that seems happy, but sadly my microwave isn't big enough for two.)
I apologize for the noob questions - I read the thread about not abusing your Phal, but I'm still anxious about my new baby!