Got this Catt a few weeks ago, with buttons. It flowered fine, but the blooms didn't last as long as I expected, only a few days. After they dropped, the plant started to look a little sad, so I decided to take it out of its pot to see what was going on.
Pretty much all of its roots had rotted away - I had to trim off all but a couple of little stubs. The new growths you see in the photos were white when I removed it from its pot, they had been totally buried.
I left it out of the media, and was soaking it for an hour or so every day in water and once a week with SuperThrive. After 2 weeks I potted it up in white lava rock, but continued with the 1-2 hour soakings every day.
The photos you see here are from today. I noticed a bit of fungus on one of the new growths, so treated it with Captan. The new growths are now green (and have grown slightly), but there is still no new root growth. And the leaves are starting to look very dehydrated.

How should I proceed from here? I'm at a bit of a loss...
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