new phal in a pot full of moss, good or not?
I'm a complete newby with orchids, so I appreciate any advice, and I respect all of you for your expertise, as I am coming to understand that it comes with years of experience and hard work with orchids...
I have some phals (quickly learned not to buy them from my local grocery store, and now understand how to examine an orchid to determine its status) from a local garden center that is known to be very reputable, and they seem to be healthy, with nice roots, and some aerial roots. I've read that they like to dry out completely between waterings, and that persistent moisture of the roots may cause damage to roots. A couple of phals I purchased a week ago were potted in moss only - I understand this may be a technique used to obviate the need for retailers to water frequently (?) They are still rather moist a week later. A few sources have given me the impression that it might be worthwhile to repot them immediately in a mixture of moss and bark, but they have so many beautiful blooms and new buds forming. Is this necessary? Do I have to worry about the continued moisture? I'm inclined to just avoid watering until they are sufficiently dry - I know they will dry out at some point. Can I just re-pot them when they stop blooming? Is it desirable to use a mixture of bark and moss for pals? Thanks!