Trouble with Phal spikes
Hi everyone! I am new here and joined so I could pick your brains for solutions to my phalaenopsis troubles. I have a Phal that began growing a spike in late January/early February which I thought was late but-it's a spike. The spike came from the same side as last year's but lower. So low it's coming out of the media. I thought that was strange. The spike grew to maybe 3 inches tall and stopped with a single bud that has curled under. Not very impressive compared to last year's spike that was a foot tall with 6-8 buds.
The Phal is in a 5 inch pot with healthy leaves and roots. I grow under lights and I'm concerned my lighting isn't sufficient. I have 2 T5 fluorescents on for ~12 hours in a plant "cabana" but I don't believe they are high output fluorescents. Temps inside the cabana are about 80 degrees most days and dropped to about 60 degrees at night during the winter. Now that the weather is improving, temps at night are a bit higher.
I have included a picture of my sad little spike that I hope comes through. I am open to suggestions as to how I can improve my growing habits to produce more spectacular blooms.