Phalaenopsis Question. Returning to orchids.
I purchased a plant at Walmart here in Kissimmee back in May. I picked out the plant that looked the most healthy. It had 8 leaves and 3 bloom stalks. It held it's blooms until mid-August and since then has been SHOOTING out leaves. It's up to 20 leaves, one of which is still small and growing. Is this normal for them to grow so fast? It has me a bit worried.
Just recently I noticed it's growing new sections on it's roots. I'm going to have to repot it soon as it's getting VERY top heavy. It's in basically bark pieces and I want to put it in more of the same as I'm guessing all the growth means it's happy. Any sugestions on where to buy this type of media? What material pot should I get for it? is a clay pot ok for them?
I know I've rapid fired many questions but any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,