I'm new to this forum and consider myself a beginner when it comes to my orchids. I love all the great advice that everyone has provided here. I was hoping to get some more specific advise or recommendations on my current setup.
I’ve had my Phalaenopsis Orchids for about 3 years now. I got one at Home Depot and the other was a gift. They were both in bloom when I received them. I repotted them into a regular pot with a drain hole in the bottom. I replaced the media with Phalaenopsis Mix by Better-Gro. They have been doing ok over the years and growing additional leaves. I would use fertilizer sparingly from time to time. They were in a low light area so the leaves were always dark green and they haven’t bloomed since.
A few weeks ago I decided to make some changes to improve the growing conditions for my orchids in hopes that one day they might bloom.
In the process of repotting I was surprised to see that they had root rot. About half the roots were brown and black. I removed the dead roots and repotted them into a pot that has air holes in the sides and a drain in the bottom.
I installed a 260 watt Hi-output (6700K) compact florescent light fixture mounted 12” above the pots. It’s on a programmable timer and they now receive 15 hours of light per day.
They appear to be doing well but I have some concerns. Due to all the recent changes I’ve noticed rapid growth in the last week as well as color changes to the leaves and some texture changes.
On both orchids the leaves have went from a dark green to more of a lighter green and dark violet color tone. They used to be very stiff but are now softer and a couple leaves are almost limp. They are room temperature to the touch. I suspect it’s due to the root loss and/or lack of moisture being in the new pots. One of the leaves on one of the orchids has some slight wrinkling.
I’m not sure on what I should do here, if anything.
- Will they require water more frequently due to the lighting increase?
- Should I be concerned with the change in leaf colors and texture?
- Do you think the current conditions will promote healthy growing and possible blooms?
Any recommendation or tips on what I should be doing differently going forward would be great. I don’t want to inadvertently harm them. Thanks in advance, would really appreciate any feedback!
Growing Environment Details
Type: Phalaenopsis Orchids
Planter Pot: Orchid Pot with air holes throughout with drain hole in the bottom.
Potting Mix: Phalaenopsis Mix by Better-Gro. Consists of bark, charcoal and perlite mix.
Orchid Plus 20-14-13 by Better-Gro. Used sparingly every watering.
Orchid Better-Bloom 11-35-15 by Better-Gro. Used sparingly once a month.
Lighting: 260 watt - 48" Hi-output compact florescent fixture hanging 12" above the pots. 15hrs of light per day.
Bulbs: 4 x 65 watt bulbs (6700K)
Room Temperature: 70F - 80F
Humidity: 30% - 50%
Watering schedule: About once a week I place the pot in a bin of water and soaked them for 30 minutes.