Essential Tools, Supplies, Good practices for beginners?
Hi everyone, I just got my first miniature orchid plants; having them almost 24 hrs.
Was wondering if you have a list of essential tools and supplies that you use to care for your plants?
When I got them from the store, the pot did not have any holes, so I've immediately repotted the plants, so I bought clay pebble and sphagnum moss for my potting medium. I have some left of it for future new plant!
I also bought fertilizer for them and bought water sprayer to create the daily mist.
Do you guys keep any other specific tools that help you care your plants?
Do you have any Apps/software to assist with your care?
Any other recommended tools that are very handy?
Any books/tutorials/ website / club member you read/visit for guidance?
Any good trusted online store for supplies, that ship internationally?
Kindly share good practices too.
Really appreciate it!