Okay, so my mom has wanted an orchid for her desk at work for a very long time. I was at Home Depot yesterday to get some stuff for my garden and I saw that they had these cute little mini phals. Not thinking about it, I went home. Last night I figured it would be great for mom's desk, so I went back and got this little guy today:

I stuck it next to a gallon of milk to show the size.
So I'm pretty sure mom's gonna love it and even better there's two plants in the pot so when I repot it out of the moss I'm going to keep one of the plants.

Only one there that had two plants in the pot. But being so small should I repot it with a fine bark mixture?
Anyway, walking towards the checkout, I heard something calling me. It was this one:
I couldn't resist and it came home with me. It's tag only says that it's a Cymbidium orchid. So I'm guessing it's a hybrid and not identifiable. It has a lovely almost citrus smell. Now I just have to figure out where it's going to live and the proper way to care for it.