Originally Posted by BUUZBEE
Do books about orchids list how long a bloom lasts for each type?
I've not seen this listed except where flowers are extremely short lived or extremely long lived. Even some vendor sites will tell you this. Examples from my collection, which is mostly minis, particulary Angraecoids, is Aerangis hyaloids which has very short-lived blossoms. Takes months for the spikes to mature, then the blossoms pop out and fall off in 3-4 days. Then there is Epidendrum ellipticum which comes into spike rather quickly (in my opinion) then the spikes progressively blossom and form new blossoms and extend them selves and blossom again. Some of the Paphs can hold the same blossom for over a month. Phals tend to hold blossoms for a long time as well. If I had to average out all the types I grow (which actually doesn't make any sense

) I would say most will hold an individual blossom 3-4 weeks. Many will be longer. I hope this helps in some way - it's really hard to answer your question.