Most Phals will throw a lateral spike from the nodes below the blooming portion of the main spike, esp. if the main spike is damaged. Don't cut the spike unless it starts to dry up and turn brown. You'll probably be rewarded but it may take a while. Happens to us all and I don't know of anyone who is ever happy about it.
Two other times I have done this and I applied Keiki paste to the open wound. On both occasions the plant has put out more buds.
Last week I snapped in half a NOID Phal spike I was trying to stake. This is the most serious damage I have done to an orchid (besides killing them off via crown rot). I applied the paste and am keeping my fingers crossed.
Thanks to all who replied. I'll keep my fingers crossed and have to wait and see what happens. Good to know I'm not the only one who has broken a spike.😊
I've had a few damaged spikes, for various reasons.
Almost every single time my 'damaged' Phal sent off at least one new side spike.
I leave the spikes on my Phal until they dry up.
I always get 2nd bloomings on my one year old (post-bloom) spikes.
Seems to be in the Phal's nature to want to find, and continue, to bloom when it wants to.
Last edited by cjm3fl; 03-17-2016 at 11:14 AM..
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