Stupid Question - is this a Phal spike?
Everyone, I realize this is a really ridiculous question. But I've never had one of my phals spike, so I've never had the opportunity to examine them closely. I have had other types of orchids produce spikes, and they don't really look like this.
Anyway, I received my Dtps. Cherry Wine 'Newberry' from Carter and Holmes today, and at first I overlooked this growth, assuming it was an old spike. Then I looked closer and realized it could be a fresh one - but the end looks smushed a little bit, like it maybe got damaged.
1. Is it a spike?
2. As I mentioned, for whatever reason, phals don't spike for me, at least not in the last couple years that I've had them. If it's spiking, what can I do to not kill the spike??? It's already getting warm here (70s), and the nights aren't super cool (maybe 60s). Dry, but not super dry (~40% humidity).
Any input would be appreciated!
Last edited by Zabeta; 02-24-2016 at 09:56 PM..