Originally Posted by estación seca
You have a lot of other beautiful blooming orchids in the backgrounds of your photos!
Thank you. My formosae type dendrobiums always seems to be in bloom. They grow new cane and bloom on the old ones at the same time. My Den. Spectable and Den. Fire wings fin bloom and growing a new cane. Zygopetalum Blue Bird, bush bloomers (all canes at ones) Den. Ekolu Quintal and Den. Little Atro. Cymbudium Nut Red Beauty and Chen's ruby just finished blooming. Paphiopedilum orchid and Phragmipedium orchids in bud/bloom, Onc. Sharry Baby an of course Phalaenopsis. Thinking of buying Phragmipedium kovachii from Alan in SeattleOrchids, he told me he ordered some for April. Can't wait

---------- Post added at 09:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:53 PM ----------
Originally Posted by u bada
Your setup is fun! a whole room for them is a luxury! (coming from a fellow apt dweller)... i used to have a sun system fixture the orchids did really really well under it... but boy the power it needed and heat it would put out... but the temp raise did i think made a difference to success of them... anyway, here's to the coryanthes bloom! it's a stunnning plant in bloom as are all the stan type orchids which I'll never have room for... 
This is my hot room, i have cold room too

So they own my apartment

Yes, heat from them is something....but on the other hand i don't use heat (like fireplace) in Winter, so it saves me money, and orchids love it.
I am lucky too, under my balcony is little creek, humid, hot and shade perfect spot for all my Stanhopea orchids...and i have 8 of them