Almost every paph I have (7) are doing just like this one...isn't it exciting? You always hope *this* set of leaves will be the ones to grace you with flowers (and I just had some P. villosum flowering about Christmas...I want more) grow them good and lush.
It's very exciting! I was not optimistic about it when I repotted as the roots were not in great shape but I must have done something right when I repotted it.
Like you, I was a paph newbie last January, well other than two many years ago that died in very short order. I haven't killed any since...and they definitely have developed a stronger root system.
My culture must have improved and I also think they're instrinsically tougher plants than we give them credit for.
From reading, paphs generally respond positively to frequent repotting and fresh/new media. I can't yet validate that...but...I read it often.