Well, my phalaenopsis are doing great, but I have some other orchids that had a rough winter. (I was not able to take care of them)
Have some different species-
Dendrobium hibiki, only roots left... Guess that one is gone?
Coelogyne- only bulbs left, no leaves- do they tend to bounce back?
Pholidota imbricata- one big leaf left on the newest bulb, so this one might survive
Zygopetalum Louisendorf- making a new growth from the newest bulb, no leaf left
Lycaste aromatica- this is supposed to lose leaf I believe, but the newest bulb is not the same shape or color as old ones, kinda look sick. Should I remove it, or leave it? Will old bulbs make new bulbs if the newest are removed?
They have been left without water for a pretty long time, so the damage are caused by wilting. Except for the lycaste, seems like it may have gotten molded on the new bulb.
Any advice? I have not repotted, just started taking care of them, maybe I should repot and check for damage on roots.
Are they fussy about this, or will they most likely bounce back if I just give them time and proper care?
Can add picture later if that might help