New at this! How am I doing?
Hello, I have been a planted tank enthusiast for years now and recently got into ripariums which got me interested in orchids.. not quite sure how that progressed but there ya go! So I did some research over a few months and then found a place called Natts orchids near my house and brought these home the week before christmas. I have been itching to go back but I want to wet my feet first and get these lovely orchids growing strong first.
I purchased:
-an oncidium which I believe to be: Beallara Marfitch 'Howard's Dream' (please correct me if I'm wrong, it wasn't labeled)
-a white oncidium twinkle
-masdevallia schroederiana
-masdevallia erinacea
These are under a beamswork aquarium light designed for plants, I don't have the specs on hand but could get them. I have been watering roughly once a week and fertilized with Michigan state fertilizer (13-3-15) periodically (once a week for the masd. twice for the oncidiums) the fertilizer I put in a spray bottle and only spray until the top of the media is visibly wet. Also I have a small cooling fan suspended over them and on the lowest setting to provide circulation.
I want to see how everyone thinks I am doing. So far I think they are all doing well I purchased the twinkle with buds and they flowered last week which was exciting and the erinacea has put out another flower since bringing it home. Also please pardon the picture quality I only have a phone camera.