I live in India (M.P.) as well and manage to grow them happily in the low humidity I have.
As mentioned by so many above, they absolutely have to dry out between waterings.
I would suggest you to remove them from this pot and put them in a small clay pot. Clay keeps the interior extremely airy and the plant dries out faster.
Use the small ones that you get when you order tea. In my region they are called "Kulhar"

. I have potted them in Kulhars (with a drainage hole at the bottom, of course) in a coarse mix of lava rock, bark and some LECA.
Put some bark (if you have) or charcoal mixed with a tiny amount of coconut husk (you can skip the coconut husk altogether if your region has high humidity) and put the plant in, in such a way that some of its roots are exposed to the air (Find the photos of my plants attached). Make sure that the medium is extremely airy and in no way packed. Water daily using a hair spray bottle and make sure that you wet all the roots. The plant should dry out completely in about 4 hours.
In about a month, my tolumnias started putting out new roots and one of them is currently in spike! *dance*
I hope you succeed! Good luck!