Originally Posted by RhodaChan
Happy New Year!
A very small newly developed pseudo bulb was unfortunately broken. Would a new pseudo bulb develop at the same spot?
Welcome to the Orchid Board! And Happy New Year!
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Oncidium relatives thread. Maybe one of the forum moderators will move it.
In general, Oncidium relatives sprout new growths from dormant vegetative buds near the base of old growths. The growth you broke might have been mature enough to have developed more of these buds, in which case it might sprout new growth from the base of the broken growth.
The better news is that almost all the older, mature growths on your plant also have dormant vegetative buds waiting to sprout. Your plant should begin growing again from one or more of these.
Zelemnia (abbreviated Zlm.) is the name for a hybrid between orchid genera Tolumnia and Zelenkoa. Both genera have in the past been placed in genus Oncidium and some people still call them all Onciciums. If you search the Oncicium section of this forum and read about Tolumnia, you can find out more about how to grow them. To search, look to the top of the page to the maroon menu bar and click Search.