Hello everyone!
I have a question. What blooms or about to in your orchid collection? Does it bloom in time it suppose to or just how it feels?

After my mite problem many of my orchids decided to bloom, some for the first time. Share your pictures with us, winter can be beautiful and fragrant.
My orchids in bloom:
Onc. “Twinkle” - fragrant
Onc. “Sharry baby”- hmmm…… Chocotale……
Cym. Nut “Red beauty”- hmmm……Raspberry’s…….
Den. “Miva Abracadabra”
Den.” Ekolu Quintal”
Den. “Frosty Dawn”- two seedlings with different lip coloration and fragrance
Den. “Little Atro” – about to, almost on every cane
Den. “Antennatum” – fragrant
Den. “Cruentum”- for the first time
Den. specio-kingianum "Magenta Butterfly" – for the first time
Phal. Lioulin Halo “Equilateral”
Phal. NoID X3
About to (Just nubs):
Den. “Spectable”
Den. (Suzukii “Green Genie” x tobaense var.gigantea) – for the first time