Originally Posted by NewbzOrchid
All it says on the site's website is that it's a good source of potassium and micro-elements. That's all. So I don't know if it's even what I need.
I might order some seaweed extract so that it can help my orchid. Only thing is what can I do in the mean time until it arrives?
Google First Rays. He has cold extracted kelp juice. His articles on fertilising are worth reading. I'm a great fan of his Klite fertiliser. If I told you what I had to pay to get it shipped to Europe, you would soil yourself. It more than trebled the price.
WTo minis, I hate what they do to them. They cut off their damn roots, pack them into eggcups and sell them.
I rip off all the moss, and plant them in fine bark, no bag or sphag. The three I bought las year are flowering well. This white one flowered all summer long, and when it stopped I repotted it into a larger pot only to find there was another spike coming. That's the spike on the right. It has been flowering for at least 3-4 months and still has unopened flowers. as well as two new spikes. At this rate it will be an all year flowerer.