Originally Posted by judith_arquette
I second the Maxillaria Tenuifolia and also recommend Psychopsis. I have a Psychopsis Mendenhall 'Hildos' and it's always either in bloom or growing a new bud, not to mention that the leaves are really pretty too 
I've actually had two Maxillaria tenuifolia from different nurseries and managed to kill both of them. It's embarrassing because this is supposed to be an easy orchid. I love their scent, but for some reason they hate me, so I'll probably avoid those from now on.
I've been searching for a Psychopsis on eBay. I'm dying for one. I actually ordered one (IN SPIKE!) but had a problem with the seller and had to ask for a cancellation. Glad to hear yours is awesome! One day I'll be able to join the Psychopsis club.
---------- Post added at 05:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:32 PM ----------
If this isn't too annoying, maybe I'll just list what I have and see if anyone has suggestions based on my climate and current collection:
- several NoID oncidiums. Some are doing well, some not.
- a couple Sharry Baby
- a couple Twinkles
- 2 Brassavola nodosa, one doing well, one not
- Brassavola digbyana
- Lc. Angel Love x Skinneri
- Slc. Final Touch 'Mendenhall' AM/AOS
- Rlc. Ports of Paradise 'Gleneyrie's Green Giant' FCC/AOS
- Lc. Loog Tone 'SD'
- Lc. Bigtime '#1'
- several NoID den. nobile
- 1 NoID den. phal
- Den. kingianum
- 2 Den. spectabile
- Den. unicum
- Encyclia cordigera
- Paph. (Makuli-Curtisii)-Maudiae x Paph. Maudiae 'Napa Valley' HCC/AOS x Sib
- (Paph. Supersuk 'Eureka' AM/AOS x Paph. Raisin Pie 'Hsinying') x Sib
- NoID paph
- several NoID phals
- Phal. Chain Xen Queen 'JB'
- Phal. amboinensis 'Yellow Jacket' HCC/AOS x Phal. amboinensis 'Golden Chalice'*
- Phrag. Grande
- a Tolumnia
- Ascocenda Yarnisa Gold 'Pure Gold'
- Neofinetia falcata
- just ordered a few new ones: a bulbophyllum, a cattleya, and a catasetum
Climate in summer=very hot, very dry; in winter=mild to chilly, very humid
Any further suggestions about new orchids I could try would be very much appreciated.