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11-20-2015, 05:09 AM
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Gauteng, Johannesburg
Posts: 43
Laelia Anceps trouble!
Hi all!
I have had this Laelia for almost a year and it has always been very healthy. It flowered in June and put out a healthy new growth about a month ago.
Then, overnight this week, it started turning brown and shrivelled on two of the leaves. The new growth also seems to be turning brown, even though it has been that colour for quite some time I assumed it was just something to do with the way the new growth changes.
I did move it into a more shady part of the room, away from the window as it is getting very warm, but that is the only change...
Any ideas?

11-20-2015, 09:44 AM
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Hello Veda.maas,
To me it looks like sun burn, with that said, your plants looks dry, how often do you water?
I am not an expert on Catts hybrids, I have only had mine for about 3 years, and have only had problems with one that came with very poor roots. Which I did not know bc I bought it while in bloom, and it was not much later that I saw the pb getting shriveled and the leafs getting a rubbery look. Which is different from how your leafs look.
I hope some one with more experience can give you some advice.
The one thing I know is that as long as you have viable eyes on the rhizome you can save this plant.
Last edited by LizB88; 11-20-2015 at 09:47 AM..

11-20-2015, 11:08 AM
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It might be sunburn. Was it subject to too much before you moved it? I have had an anceps species and I have several hybrids with anceps as one parent. I find these need more water than most of my Catts. I run them under the tap whenever I think of it in between the routine watering that all the Catts get. Since yours is mounted, that will be especially important. Of course when it is cool and dark I don't water as much. I also find mine do better when I use a Cal/mag supplement in the water. I was getting some black spots on them before I started doing that. They seem more susceptible to that than most of my other Catts. Not to say that is your issue here.

11-20-2015, 01:35 PM
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Do the roots turn green when you soak them in water? It looks as if it has been kept too dry in higher temperatures. I have one of these and they are REALLY tough so it should recover. I would give it a good soak in water with some liquid seaweed added and then hang it in a location with bright shade. If your temperatures are high, it might need a good soak at least once a day. Once it gets new growth, gradually move it so that it gets more light. Good luck!

11-21-2015, 04:53 AM
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Gauteng, Johannesburg
Posts: 43
Thanks all! It has never had direct sun, growing in my bathroom window. But I have moved it away from the window now. I mist twice a day as we have had a very dry and hot summer so far. Gets soaked in weak fertilizer once a week and plain water also once a week. Twice weekly soaking...
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11-21-2015, 04:54 AM
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Gauteng, Johannesburg
Posts: 43
Roots still turn green, but a lighter shade than before, Leafmite
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11-21-2015, 09:46 AM
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Sounds like enough water but it sure looks dry. How long do you soak for? 1/2 hour wouldn't hurt it. As Leafmite suggests, maybe add some seaweed to the water and try and get a few more roots going.

11-21-2015, 04:59 PM
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I have about 25 catts of various types and they require quite a lot of light. I keep mine under lights in the winter here in Michigan and in the summer they're outside in bright shade. Yours looks kind of dry and wondering why you moved it to a more shaded area.

11-22-2015, 01:55 AM
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Gauteng, Johannesburg
Posts: 43
I moved it as I also thought it was sunburn. Thinking of putting it outside with my den's and cymbidium.
Regarding soaking, at least half an hour every time.
If not sunburn, what could this be?
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11-22-2015, 03:18 AM
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It doesn't have spider mite does it? They can do quite a bit of damage to a leaf.
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