My orange habenaria started blooming in late September. Everything I've read about this orchid suggests that's when it should be going dormant. I live in Brooklyn + it started sending up its' stem in middle of March ' 15 + is blooming now. It blooomed last year in late July'14 + went dormant in Sept' 14. I put her out on my balcony In May' 15
( I live in Brooklyn + wanted the weather to be warm ). Any Advice, thanx.
Plants in cultivation often do not follow the seasons because they don't get the same strong seasonal cues they would in nature. You just can't give it the full set of conditions it would experience in southeast Asia. Do your best to give it conditions that match the stage of growth it is actually in.
Until it finishes flowering and the foliage at least starts to die back naturally continue to give it conditions that support growth. When the foliage has mostly died down give it the dormancy conditions it requires, you obviously got it through one dormancy so you have that covered.