I recently purchased a Kenneth Schubert blue star and am having difficulty finding care information for it. Anybody else have one of these beauties? I am assuming it likes warmer temps and high humidity, but will it require a cool spell in order to spike? Does it prefer similar light to other phals?
The Phal violacea doesn't need or like cooler temperatures. It doesn't look as if the other needs them either but as I have never grown it, I wouldn't know for certain. Here are two links to help you decide.
You can grow this hybrid just like regular phals, although they like it on the warmer side even in the winter.
These tend to flower about any time of the year, and the spike can go on making flowers on and off for a long while.
They are easy cute little fragrant plants.
Hope to see some flower pictures in the near future.
Last edited by NYCorchidman; 10-29-2015 at 12:46 PM..