orchid vases
Hey everyone,
I got a question. So my orchid of 2 weeks (a brassia) lives in an orchid vase, 18"x6", given to me by my aunt. She is the only person I know who grows orchids, and has done for many years. Always in these tall, narrow, very expensive orchid vases. I'll be honest, I don't remember her orchids ever flowering, certainly not in the last couple years. But she insists it is the best way for them for the humidity based on the advice or actions of an experienced grower.
Since looking up and researching orchids myself, including googling 'growing orchids in orchid vases', i can't say i have yet seen anyone else doing this.
Does anyone else use these or heard of them being used? Or know of any advantages or disadvantages of using one?
If I can't find anything else to support growing in the vase i shall probably take her out before returning her to the windowsill in a week or so and maybe use the vase for table displays, as my gut reaction is not enough circulating air and increased risk of sunburn and more disturbance every time i try and take it out to water.
Last edited by WhiteRabbit; 12-30-2015 at 07:53 PM..
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