Hello, I was wondering if a phalaenopsis orchid can burn out in the sense that it's producing a lot of roots and two new leaves at the same time
edit: will cause her to exhaust herself and collapse.
A little back history of my orchid:
I got her on July 17, 2015 on discount from Lowe's (had 6 leaves). Potted in wood chips. I have never had any luck growing plants especially orchids but since I love orchids I decided to give orchid growing another try. Probably two to three weeks after, almost all her roots ended up rotting away. I cut off all the dead and dying roots with sterilized garden scissors leaving her with 3-4 roots. I repotted her in new bark medium . She lost another leaf soon after and noticed the root base located all the way at the bottom had gotten black.
So I treated her with Physan 20. I made a solution of one gallon of water with 1 tbps of Physan 20. I placed the whole orchid in the solution for 15 minutes while sterilizing garden scissors and an exacto-knife. After the 15 minute soak, I cut away the rest of the roots with the scissors, and with the exacto knife I cut away(shaved) as much of the black from the stem which started spreading up to the crown. I also removed the dead matter that had spread to the crown and then I placed her back into the solution for another 15 minutes. This helped stop the rot from spreading.
At this point, it is late August to early September. I have a three leaved orchid with no roots.
I went searching for methods of promoting root growth. I came across the "sphag and bag" and the hydroculture method. I didn't really understand hydroculture so I went with the sphag and bag method. I had placed the orchid with a moist ball of sphag and left her to be with no results except for another leaf falling. Then I came across a thread on Big leaf Orchids "Saving a rootless Phal" which mentioned submerging the whole orchid in fertilizer solution for a couple of minutes and then applying root hormones. So I looked up root growth promoter and found super thrive. I bought it, tried, but it didn't seems to do anything. Her two remaining leaves were still green so I kept searching.
So then I tried using the fertilizer solution MSU Feed Me! (tap water) liquid solution with KelpMax from Rays. I started dipping her everyday with 1 tbps of the fertilizer solution and 1 tbps of kelpmax in a one gallon solution for around 45 minutes. (This was in the last week of September).
I paced her in an empty 1.25 gal tank I had to keep moisture inside. I placed her on top of some moist sphag with the solution and a cup of water of the solution at the bottom of the tank to help create moisture. I also moved her to my desk where she gets lighting from the north and east side with temperature ranging from 74-76f (at night) to 80-82f (during the day). She is also around 3 feet away from my A/C but not directly in front.
During October 5-11 I stopped dipping her but left her in the tank with the fert/ kelp solution since I didn't see any progress but she was still green.
October 12, 2015:
I noticed she started sprouting a leaf. I assumed since the root base was badly damaged, she was growing a new leaf to make room for future root growth.
October 14, 2015:
A root started sprouting
October 17, 2015:
A second root started sprouting
October 23, 2015:
two more roots started sprouting
There is also a little green dot where the dead base is. I'm not sure if it's a root since it isn't growing much.
October 25, 2015:
I noticed the two oldest roots (1/4th of an inch long) started growing root hair (?)
Can someone take a look to make sure? I'm still scared it might be fungus.
October 26, 2015:
A second new leaf is sprouting.