Oh to me it's that point when you are sure it is growing, and not going to stall. I have had instances where for example, two buds start to move, and then one will stall, and stop growing... There comes a point when you can be pretty sure that it won't stall.
It's purely a personal idiosyncracy. I have one at the moment where when it arrived it was so eaten away with black mold that I had to cut off every Pbulb bar a couple, and every leaf except for one half of one. I didn't just bin it, after all, you never know.
It is throwing a shoot, but so slowly I am continously worried that it will stall and die.
You know how you get a swelling, then a triangular spike, then the second spike emerges from the first, then the third from the second and so on... well this is on it's 4th spike, and so small that I can't be certain..
Normally the 4th is fat and sassy and I stop worrying....