Plant Identification Help
My husband and I have just purchased our first home and I was extremely happy when the previous owners decided to leave all of their house plants. Among the plants left are two orchids planted in bark one in a clay pot one in plastic (but both with plenty of drainage). One plant has one bloom left (see attached picture if I did it correctly), the other is not currently blooming. I feel that to care for these plants correctly, I should know what they are. That way I can look up the proper watering, lighting, and fertilizing needs of these particular plants.
I am an orchid novice. I've often admired the blooms but have always been a little scared to step into the world of the unknown. Somehow orchids always seemed so mysterious to me.
My guess is that these are run-of-the-mill varieties, but if someone could look at the picture of the bloom and help me figure it out, I would greatly appreciate it. Also, is there a way to identify the other plant without blooms on it?