I have question about fall care.
This is my first year growing orchids, I jumped in head first, and now I have a nice little collection of 25 plants. Everybody seems to be doing VERY good which is actually starting to confuse me a bit, especially in the case of my dendrobiums.
I have a Den. Spring Bird, Den. Little Sweet Scent, Den. Loddigesii, and a Den. Aphyllum. I also have some type of a Den. Phalaenopsis- which i know that I treat differently than my other dens that need more of a winter rest. They are all growing like crazy; new roots, new canes (or bulbs, not sure what the correct term is), new leaves, everything.
All of the literature and care sheets that I have been reading says that they should be done growing by now (or at least slowing down) and in September-ish; start cutting back water and completely cut out fertilizer. But I have also been reading that when they are in active growth- water and fertilize heavily. So that is where my confusion comes in. Do I follow care guidelines for the fall? Or, since the temperature is still in the upper 80's to low 90's here in New Orleans- do I keep giving them summer care till the temps start to cool a bit and the growth slows? Our fall is really November and December, with the coldest temps being in January and February.