Videos of orchids, shade-houses, greenhouses- anyone want to share?
Hi all
I've been watching some videos- and I love them
I was hoping maybe those of you who have videos would like to share links with us?
I know many have them in the signature, but its easier if all those beautiful videos are in one place, then I don't have to stalk everyone to find the links 😜😎
If you're looking for a good video, Brad's Greenhouse on youtube is a good place to start. He even has updates from when he was building the darned thing. His monthly updates are usually nice to see what to expect to be blooming at the time. If you want just pictures and build threads, I'd point you towards the greenhouse sub. There's some cool builds in there!
I don't know how to use the links and I apologize bc sometimes I don't speak loudly or clearly. Upon reviewing my videos I have discovered I have a slight lisp?! Lol know I know why my BF always has me repeat myself lol. My name on YouTube is Arlene ontiveros
I don't know how to use the links and I apologize bc sometimes I don't speak loudly or clearly. Upon reviewing my videos I have discovered I have a slight lisp?! Lol know I know why my BF always has me repeat myself lol. My name on YouTube is Arlene ontiveros
Thank you wintergirl, I hope other people share their videos, if you then search who I am subscribed too or who subscribe to me, they usually have their own videos too.
Does sound like a good idea however my space is currently a bit of a discombobulated space. That said I'm going to do some rearranging and once I do I'll share. I also need to make some major 'upgrades' indoors before the end of the season b/c it is not right as it stands. I followed cues from other threads and got a light meter, oh my goodness, all this time I thought I had better lighting inside than I do. My space will now require supplemental lighting, more organization and some kind of 'in situ' drainage.
With all this in mind I do love seeing how others are making it work. Until then my plants are plenty happy outside. Many spikes!