I found this amazing specimen at trader joe's this past weekend. My question is, is it worse to keep it in the muddy dense peat soil it is in currently and wait until it finishes blooming? Or re-pot it.
I just want to be able to enjoy the newly budded fragrant blooms but also want the plant to stay healthy.
Thank you!
PS because I am new I cannot post a photo but this question is what caused me to sign up and not lurk anymore!
I can't wait to see some photos. I have 2 Zygo hybrids from trader joes. I got them in Dec 2014. They are in spike for me now!!!!
I repotted my zygo in a sphagnum moss, fine bark, and perlite mix. These plants don't want to ever be totally dry. My Zygonisia is in a peat moss, perlite, with fine bark mix. Both are in plastic pot with extra holes.
The mudding looking mix they come in is a peat moss mix IME living in a dry climate it works well as long as it is not too compact. It needs to drain quickly.
Last edited by snowflake311; 09-03-2015 at 12:04 PM..
Thank you, yes after more review online this mix might not be so bad for this specific beauty... I have New Zealand spag I could pot it in but might wait until its done blooming.
I have started to use more Peatmoss in my orchid mix with very good results. You just have to know how to water it and what orchids will like it. I find myself using less Sphagnum moss.
If the plant has room to grow I would leave it in that mix. If the plant looks like it is out growing the pot then repot after it blooms.